Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Media devices that are used by educators to achieve educational goals in both the small scale and large scale. use of learning tools absolutely used to plan, implement and evaluate educational purposes by teachers, learning peragkat will provide real direction to be followed by a teacher in implementing pendididikan.
pembalajaran device will mengambarakan teacher programs to be implemented in the short term, medium term and long term, all the activities that will be a teacher has to be drawn from the learning device owned by a teacher.

learning device will show the ability of a teacher in minimizing the failure in the learning process, analyze the material to be given, the condition of students, the readiness of students to the teaching materials, media to be used in the learning process, lead teachers in implementing the stages of learning to make teachers more prepared and confident to implement the learning.
Learning devices also provide media teacher evaluation of persispan, processes and outcomes of learning activities so that necessary action can be taken against a series of learning that has been done.

evaluation of teacher performance, kemamuan students, media, educational tools and support necessary for success in the learning process.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Study Group

A study group can be helpful when you are trying to learn information and concepts and preparing for class discussions and tests. Read to learn about the benefits of a study group. Then read on to learn about how to start a study group and the characteristics of a successful study group. Finally, be sure to read about the possible pitfalls of a study group.
Benefits of a Study Group

A study group can be beneficial in many ways. Here are the most important benefits:
A support group can "pick you up" when you find that your motivation to study is slipping. The other group members can be a source of encouragement.
You may be reluctant to ask a question in class. You will find it easier to do so in a small study group.

You may become more committed to study because the group members are depending on your presentation and participation. You will not want to let them down.
Group members will listen and discuss information and concepts during the study sessions. These activities add a strong auditory dimension to your learning experience.
One or more group members are likely to understand something you do not. They may bring up ideas you never considered.
You can learn valuable new study habits from the other group members.
You can compare your class notes with those of the other group members to clarify your notes and fill in any gaps.
Teaching/explaining information and concepts to the other group members will help you reinforce your mastery of the information and concepts.
Let's face it - studying can sometimes be boring. Interacting with the other group members can make studying enjoyable.
Getting a Study Group Started

Study groups don't just happen. Here is what you should do to get a study group started:
Get to know your classmates by talking with them before class, during breaks, and after class. When selecting a classmate to join your study group, you should be able to answer YES for each of the following questions:
Is this classmate motivated to do well?
Does this classmate understand the subject matter?
Is this classmate dependable?
Would this classmate be tolerant of the ideas of others?
Would you like to work with this classmate?
Invite enough of these classmates to work with you in a study group until you have formed a group of three to five. A larger group may allow some members to avoid responsibility, may lead to cliques, and may make group management more of an issue than learning.
Decide how often and for how long you will meet. Meeting two or three times a week is probably best. If you plan a long study session, make sure you include time for breaks. A study session of about 60 to 90 minutes is usually best.
Decide where you will meet. Select a meeting place that is available and is free from distractions. An empty classroom or a group study room in the library are possibilities.

Decide on the goals of the study group. Goals can include comparing and updating notes, discussing readings, and preparing for exams.
Decide who the leader will be for the first study session. Also decide whether it will be the same person each session or whether there will be a rotating leader. The leader of a study session should be responsible for meeting the goals of that study session.
Clearly decide the agenda for the first study session and the responsibilities of each group member for that session.
Develop a list of all group members that includes their names, telephone numbers, and email addresses. Make sure each group member has this list and update the list as needed.
Characteristics of a Successful Study Group

Once started, a study group should possess the following characteristics to be successful:
Each group member contributes to discussions.
Group members actively listen to each other without interrupting. Only one group member speaks at a time.
The other group members work collaboratively to resolve any concern raised by a group member.
Group members are prompt and come prepared to work.
The group stays on task with respect to its agenda.
Group members show respect for each other.
Group members feel free to criticize each other but keep their criticisms constructive. This can encourage group members to reveal their weaknesses so that they can strengthen them.
Group members feel free to ask questions of each other.
At the end of each study session, an agenda including specific group member responsibilities is prepared for the next session.
Above all, the positive attitude that "we can do this together" is maintained.
Possible Pitfalls of a Study Group

A study group can be a very positive learning experience. However, there are pitfalls to be avoided. Here are some cautions:
Do not let the study group get distracted from its agenda and goals.
Do not let the study group become a social group. You can always socialize at other times.
Do not allow group members to attend unprepared. To stay in the group, members should be required to do their fair share.
Do not the let the session become a negative forum for complaining about teachers and courses.
Do not allow one or two group members to dominate the group. It is important that all members have an equal opportunity to participate.

The information you just read will help you decide when a study group is appropriate for you and will help ensure its success.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Stages of Education

cycle of child education
Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.

Etymologically, the word education is derived from educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere, "to lead".[1]

Teachers in educational institutions direct the education of students and might draw on many subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. This process is sometimes called schooling when referring to the education of teaching only a certain subject, usually as professors at institutions of higher learning. There is also education in fields for those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a pilot. In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, such as in museums and libraries, with the Internet and in life experience. Many non-traditional education options are now available and continue to evolve. One of the most substantial uses in education is the use of technology. Classrooms of the 21st century contain interactive white boards, iPads, iPods, laptops, etc. Teachers are encouraged to embed these technological devices in the curriculum in order to enhance students learning and meet the needs of various types of learners.

Tearning Theories

he literature of psychology, we will find many learning theories derived
of psychological streams. In the link below will put forward four different theories
learning, namely: (A) the theory of behaviorism, (B) according to Piaget's cognitive learning theory, (C) theory
processing information from Gagne, and (D) gestalt learning theory.
A. Behaviorism Theory

Behaviorism is one stream of psychology that views individuals only from the side
physical phenomenon, and ignore the aspects - the mental aspect. In other words, behaviorism
not acknowledge the existence of intelligence, talents, interests and feelings of individuals in a study.
Event learn merely reflexes trained in such a way that it becomes
habits are controlled individually.
Some legal learning resulting from this behaviorism approach, including:
1. Connectionism (S-R Bond) by Thorndike.
From the experiments conducted on cats produce Thorndike's laws
learning, including:
1.Law of Effect, meaning that if a satisfactory response effect,

the relationship Stimulus - response will be stronger. Conversely, the less
effects achieved satisfactory response, it also weakened the relations
between Stimulus-Response.
2.Law of Readiness; mean that the readiness refers to the assumption that satisfaction

organism comes from pemdayagunaan introductory unit (conduction units), where
These units generate trends that drive the organism to act or
does nothing.
3.Law of Exercise; means that the relationship between the stimulus with the response will be more
increased strongly, if often trained and will decrease if rarely or not
2. By Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning
From Pavlov's experiments conducted to produce a dog laws
learning, including:
1.Law of respondents conditioning that is required by law habituation. If two
kinds of stimuli presented simultaneously (one of whom serves as
reinforcer), then the reflex and other stimulus will increase.
Extinction 2.Law of respondents demanded the extermination of law. If reflexes
been strengthened through conditioning RESPONDENT was brought back without
reinforcer present, then its power will decline.
3. Operant conditioning according B.F. Skinner
From the experiments conducted B.F. Skinner on rats and subsequently in the bird
pigeons produce laws of learning, including:
1.Law of operant behavior conditining ie, if accompanied with a stimulus onset
amplifier, the power of these behaviors will increase.
Extinction of operant 2.Law that is if the occurrence of operant behavior has been strengthened through
conditioning process was not accompanied by reinforcing stimulus, the strength behavior danpunishment rd, a
individuals will think and decide which social behavior needs to be done.

a person takes material into Their mind from the environment, the which May mean changing the
Evidence of Their Senses to make it fit "and the accommodation is" the difference made to one's mind
or concepts by the process of assimilation "

He proposed also, that learning will be more successful when tailored to the stage
cognitive development of students. Learners should be given the opportunity to
experimenting with physical objects, which are supported by the interaction with peers
and aided by insight from the teacher questions. Teachers should provide stimulus to many
to students to want to actively interact with the environment, search and
find different things from the environment.
Implications of Piaget's theory of cognitive development in learning are:
1.Bahasa and the way children think differently from adults. Therefore teachers
teaching by using appropriate language with the way children think.
2.Anak children will learn better if it can properly deal with the environment.

According to Gagne stages of the learning process involves eight phases namely, (1) motivation, (2) understanding, (3) acquisition, (4) storage, (5) recall, (6) generalization, (7) treatment and (8) bait behind.
D. Gestalt Learning Theory

Gestalt comes from the German language which has the equivalent meaning as "permanent or
configuration ". Main Gestalt view is that the object or event will
viewed as a whole is organized. According to Koffka and Kohler, there
seven most important principles of organization are:
Learning Theories
Date: October 4, 2008
by: Akhmad Sudrajat, M.Pd.

When reviewing the literature of psychology, we will find many learning theories derived
of psychological streams. In the link below will put forward four different theories
learning, namely: (A) the theory of behaviorism, (B) according to Piaget's cognitive learning theory, (C) theory
processing information from Gagne, and (D) gestalt learning theory.
A. Behaviorism Theory

Behaviorism is one stream of psychology that views individuals only from the side
physical phenomenon, and ignore the aspects - the mental aspect. In other words, behaviorism
not acknowledge the existence of intelligence, talents, interests and feelings of individuals in a study.
Event learn merely reflexes trained in such a way that it becomes
habits are controlled individually.
Some legal learning resulting from this behaviorism approach, including:
1. Connectionism (S-R Bond) by Thorndike.
From the experiments conducted on cats produce Thorndike's laws
learning, including:
1.Law of Effect, meaning that if a satisfactory response effect,

the relationship Stimulus - response will be stronger. Conversely, the less
effects achieved satisfactory response, it also weakened the relations
between Stimulus-Response.
2.Law of Readiness; mean that the readiness refers to the assumption that satisfaction

organism comes from pemdayagunaan introductory unit (conduction units), where
These units generate trends that drive the organism to act or
does nothing.
3.Law of Exercise; means that the relationship between the stimulus with the response will be more
increased strongly, if often trained and will decrease if rarely or not
2. By Ivan Pavlov Classical Conditioning
From Pavlov's experiments conducted to produce a dog laws
learning, including:

1.Law of respondents conditioning that is required by law habituation. If two
kinds of stimuli presented simultaneously (one of whom serves as
reinforcer), then the reflex and other stimulus will increase.
Extinction 2.Law of respondents demanded the extermination of law. If reflexes
been strengthened through conditioning RESPONDENT was brought back without
reinforcer present, then its power will decline.


Guidelines for the preparation of syllabus, quality plan pembelajaan, handouts, and teaching materials backed by some of the following:
1. Quality in higher education is strongly influenced by the curriculum are planned and prepared.
2. Universities must have a standard curriculum, both to guide the learning, accreditation interests or the interests in cooperation with outside parties.
3. Lectures execution should be based curriculum that is prepared and well planned.
4. Planned curriculum should include a syllabus / course outline, learning quality plan (RMP), teaching materials, and hand-outs.
5. Commencing 90% UMS lecturers had received training on how to design learning including the preparation of the syllabus (course outline), lesson plans (lesson plans), teaching materials and hand-outs. However, these require the development and continuous improvement by adapting the model developed by the DIKTI.
6. All lecturers have UMS Unit Events Lectures (SAP) but not yet adjusted to the format and less do RMP updates.

7. Preparation of syllabus and RMP is very strategic for (1) shows the readiness of faculty in teaching at every face to face, (2) development of a hand-out materials and teaching materials, and (3) as a reference in monitoring and evaluation of PBM.
8. UMS leaders mandated a working meeting was quickly set up guidelines for the preparation of syllabus and RMP.

B. Goal
1. Encourage faculty to design a syllabus and learning based on the RMP in accordance with the format specified.
2. Encourage faculty to support curriculum planning and sustainable development.

C. Basis of Syllabus and RMP
1. Course Specifications
2. Competence Graduates
3. Curriculum Map

D. Syllabus Components
1. Subjects identity (Prodi, MK Code, Name of the Constitutional Court, the number of credits, and semester)
2. Pre-Term Courses
3. Competency Standards
4. Basic Competence
5. Indicator
6. Learning Experience
7. Material
8. Left
9. Tools / Materials / Learning Resources
10. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

E. RMP Components
1. General Information (Name of Lecturer, Prodi, MK Code, Name of the Constitutional Court, the number of credits, Semester, and Time)
2. Competency Standards
3. Basic Competence
4. Indicator
5. Learning activities (introduction, presentation, and closing)
6. Methods / Learning Strategy
7. Equipment / Media
8. Materials / Learning Resources
9. Assessment of Learning Outcomes

F. Constructing Measures Syllabus
1. Subjects fill out the form identity which consists of:
a. Study Program: completed in accordance with department / program of study in which a subject is taught.
b. MK Code: optional course code matches the code within the structure of the curriculum.
c. Court Name: optional subject name in accordance with the existing name in the structure of the curriculum.
d. Credits: required number of credits according to the amount present in the structure of the curriculum.
e. Semester: completed according to the time a course is taught.
2. Teaching Pre Conditions: optional name of courses that must be taken before attending the course in question (can there be, can not exist, and perhaps more than one course).
3. Competency Standards: filled with the expected ability of students after one semester following a course of learning in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor which has become part of life in thinking and acting.
4. Basic Competence: filled with the expected ability of students after attending a few times the learning in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
5. Indicators: filled with students' specific skills either in the form of knowledge, response, and actions after the learning process is complete.
6. Learning Experience: filled with images of activities that will be experienced by students during the learning.
7. Instructional Materials: stuffed with material / themes / topics to support the achievement indicators.

8. Left: filled with the amount of time required for each basic competence.
9. Tools: filled with the tools necessary in the learning process.
10. Materials / Learning Resources: filled with learning resources which are used as reference in the learning process. Learning resources such as books and journals should mention the name of the author, title of book / journal / articles, and pages. Learning resources that form the Internet should mention the name of the author, article title, and its web address.
11. Assessment of Learning Outcomes: filled with techniques and assessment instruments to be used.

G. Steps to Prepare RMP
1. Fill out the form which consists of General Information:
a. Lecturer Name: filled with the name of the author RMP.
b. Study Program: completed in accordance with department / program of study in which a subject is taught.
c. MK Code: optional course code matches the code within the structure of the curriculum.
d. Court Name: optional subject name in accordance with the existing name in the structure of the curriculum.
e. Credits: required number of credits according to the amount present in the structure of the curriculum.
f. Class / Semester: completed according to the class / semester a course is taught.
g. Allocation of Time: filled with the amount of time for each class meeting face to face.
h. Meeting: filled with unity meeting, second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on in accordance with the planned number of face to face.
2. Competency Standards: Competency Standards: filled with the expected ability of students after one semester following a course of learning in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor which has become part of life in thinking and acting.
3. Basic Competence: filled with the expected ability of students after attending a few times the learning in terms of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
4. Indicators: filled with students' specific skills either in the form of knowledge, response, and actions after the learning process is complete.
5. Instructional Materials: stuffed with a brief description of material / themes / topics to support the achievement indicators.
6. Methods / Learning Strategies: filled with a method or strategy to be used in the learning process.
7. Learning phase consists of activities:

a. Initial Activities: is filled with apersepsi or descriptions to deliver the topics / themes to be discussed in the learning.
b. Core Activities: filled with descriptions of activities conducted within the learning process that includes an explanation of matter (theme / subject / concept), giving examples, demonstrations, and assignments.
c. Last Activity: filled with activity summaries, assessments, and follow-up.
8. Equipment / Media: filled with tools / media are required in the learning process.
9. Materials / Learning Resources: filled with learning resources which are used as reference in the learning process. Learning resources such as books and journals should mention the name of the author, title of book / journal / articles, and pages. Learning resources that form the Internet should mention the name of the author, article title, and its web address.
10. Assessment of Learning Outcomes: filled with techniques and assessment instruments that will be used including the criteria for assessment.

Promissory Note

Semester is a unit of time used for the implementation of educational programs. Activities undertaken for the implementation of educational programs. Activities undertaken in the semester that is face-to-face activities, pratikum, kingdom field, mid semester, semester exams and various other activities are given an assessment of success. One semester consists of 19 weeks of work involves face to face, mid-semester and semester exams.

Semester education program used in the smallest time unit, ie unit length of one semester to state education programs. Each semester the program completely in character and is one of roundness and stand on its own. At the end of each semester all materials presented semester program activities must be completed and the students taking the program has to be determined pass or not.

Semester program is a program that contains the outlines of the things you want done and achieved in the semester. Semester program is a translation of the annual program. The contents of the semester is about the moon program, subject to deliver, the time planned, and descriptions.

Annual Program

The annual program is the plan allocation of one year to achieve the goal (SK and KD) has been determined. Determination of allocation of time needed for all basic competencies in the curriculum can be achieved entirely by students. The allocation of time was determined on the number of hours of study in accordance with the prevailing structure of the curriculum and the breadth of material that must be mastered by students

Annual Program is a general program each subject for each class, contains the outlines to be achieved in one year and are developed by subject teachers concerned this program needs to be prepared and developed by the teacher before the school year begins, because the guidelines for development The next-progran program, namely program semester, weekly and daily as well as making the syllabus and assessment system components include the identification of annual programs (educational unit, the subjects, the school year) standard of competence, basic competence, allocation of time and information.

Annual Program is a general program every subject for every class that was developed by subject teachers concerned this program has been prepared and developed by subject teachers before the school year because it is a guideline for the development of subsequent programs.

The annual program is a general program each subject for each class, which was developed by subject teachers concerned as guidelines for the development of subsequent programs, such as semester programs, weekly programs and daily programs or programs of learning any subject

The annual program includes translation of the allocation of time for each standard of competence and basic competencies for each semester and each class during one school year. The next annual program described in detail in the course of the semester. The annual program prepared and developed by the teacher before the school year begins, as a guideline for the development of subsequent programs. The annual program is a general program each subject for each class,

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