Media devices that are used by educators to achieve educational goals in both the small scale and large scale. use of learning tools absolutely used to plan, implement and evaluate educational purposes by teachers, learning peragkat will provide real direction to be followed by a teacher in implementing pendididikan.
pembalajaran device will mengambarakan teacher programs to be implemented in the short term, medium term and long term, all the activities that will be a teacher has to be drawn from the learning device owned by a teacher.
learning device will show the ability of a teacher in minimizing the failure in the learning process, analyze the material to be given, the condition of students, the readiness of students to the teaching materials, media to be used in the learning process, lead teachers in implementing the stages of learning to make teachers more prepared and confident to implement the learning.
Learning devices also provide media teacher evaluation of persispan, processes and outcomes of learning activities so that necessary action can be taken against a series of learning that has been done.
evaluation of teacher performance, kemamuan students, media, educational tools and support necessary for success in the learning process.
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